Your credit card account is different to your physical credit card. Think of your account like the brain that holds all the information and keeps 'account' of everything.
We've put together a set of articles to help you manage your account.
Choose a help article
Update your account details
Find out how to update your account details like your name, address or contact details.
Your credit limit
Everything you need to know about your credit limit. From increase offers to decrease requests and what to expect.
Security for your online shopping
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is a new way to secure your online purchases. Find out what this means for your account.
Credit card statements
Find out about your credit card statement and how to understand it.
Recommended Payments
Find out about recommended payments, what they are and how they could help.
Accessibility changes
Find out how we can help you manage your account more easily.
Manage your credit card using the Vanquis app
It is quick and easy managing your Vanquis credit card with the Vanquis app. Download it now and take advantage of these features and more:
- View your PIN and card details
- Verify online purchases
- Make payments and set up automatic payments
- Check your transactions
- See up to 12 months of statements
- Report your card lost or stolen
- Change your address and contact details
More help & support
You might also find it useful to take a look at our guidance around Understanding Credit. This includes information on your credit score, how you could improve your score and what to do if you have no credit history.
We also have a number of guide articles for credit cards and personal loans, and our fraud section will help keep you and your account protected from scams and other fraudulent activity.