Vanquis Bank Legal Information


Some of the important legal information regarding this website.


Vanquis Bank

Vanquis Visa Card is issued by Vanquis Bank Limited. Vanquis Bank can be contacted at its registered office, which is at No. 1 Godwin Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD1 2SU. Registered number 02558509 England. VAT number 180555952. Vanquis Bank Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 221156)


Important information relating to this website

Website Terms Of Use

Read the terms of use related to the usage of this website.

Read our website terms of use

Website Privacy Notice

Find out how we use your personal data, the categories of personal data we process and for what purposes.

Read our website privacy notice