Read our credit card guides to help you better understand credit cards and choose a card to suit you and your needs. Used well a credit card can be a secure and flexible way to spread costs. Whether you have bad credit or little to no credit history, a Vanquis Credit Card can help. Find out more about different types of credit card like balance transfer. Going on holiday soon? Find out how a credit card could help.
Credit cards after bankruptcy
How to get credit after bankruptcy and much more about bankruptcy discharge.
Instant approval credit cards
Read about instant approval credit cards, what they are and how to apply for them.
Low income credit cards
Whether you are self-employed, on benefits or unemployed read how a credit card could benefit you.
Student credit cards
A guide on student credit cards, what they are and their benefits. Along with tips on managing finances as a student.
Your first credit card
A first credit card will give you a chance to build up a credit history safely. Read our guide page to find out if a credit card could be right for you.
Using a credit card on holiday
We've put this holiday guide together to help provide you with more information when using your credit card abroad. Follow our tips to find out the smart way to use your credit card on holiday.
Credit card charges explained
When considering whether to get a credit card there are many fees and charges to be aware of. Let us guide you through what to look out for.
Credit card vs. debit card
When it comes to everyday purchases and transactions, it can be difficult to decide to use a debit card or credit card. Read our guide to help decide.
Money transfer credit cards
Money transfer credit cards allows you to move money from your credit card directly into your chosen current account.
Credit card statements
Here we’ll go into detail on your credit card statement, how long to keep your statements for and what to look out for.